Friday, August 29, 2008


After all the good feedback that I got from my mentor, I somewhat messed up today. And it's really BAD! Though, it's not my fault still we have to take responsibility on it.

Here's what happen. I am explaining the case to the customer and then at the end he asked another issue. What's the procedure to run a rebuild on the FMS machines. I asked my senior tech and he gave me the answer which I told the customer. Then after a few minutes, the customer called back and the site went down. It is not a FMS machine, it's a MDS machine. !@#$%$#@! Then the manager called, saying that I should have verified that it's really a FMS machine. blah blah blah ... blah blah blah ... okay it's our fault.

I'm just a newbie, I just follow what my mentor told me. And I have a lot of things going on already. He said that I should only take 2 calls before I aux out BUT I already have 4-5 calls before he aux out and realize that we are in trouble.

Haaaay... it puts pressure to my mentor and tomorrow I should be prepared for whatever his mood will be. Just hope that it would be smooth sailing though I doubt it. :( ... oooppss.. be positive... as said in anime Monster "Tomorrow, would be a good day". But literally, I need to work LATER and not TOMORROW. Haaaay... :( anyway, lesson learned and just hope that the issue will be fix before we come in at night.


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

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