Friday, November 16, 2007

3rd party

I'm always affected by a long term relationship break ups ... though I haven't experienced it yet. I'm scared to actually undergo the same pain.

A few days back a HS friend texted me. She and her bf ended their almost 5 years relationship. Reason: the guy admitted that there's someone else on the his part. :-( How could he just texted it and doesn't even have the guts to admit it personally?!

One other reason for their breakup is the guy's parents. Duh?! "Ayaw nila mama e.. ayaw talga nila" (Haller?! Mama's boy?!!) If I know ... he is just a COWARD! Other reason ~ Religion .... the girl is a renewed Christian and the guy is a Catholic... Somehow, it's complicated for the guy and I don't know why. I think it's best that you should just forget about the Religion because what's important is your faith to God.

But whatever the reason is I can't simply take a 3rd party! And if the guy is still texting you asking to continue a friendly relationship. Haller?! Don't you have any decency at all?! Or you just wanted to two-time???

I know my friend is a strong person ... she could mend her broken heart in no time at all.
Good thing, I haven't met the guy. Lucky for him! Hahaha!


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