Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sex and the City

I watched Sex and the City and these dialogue made me look for the subtitle and write them down.

Miranda: I don't know that I can trust that it won't happen again.

Doctor: Steve, you're very quiet today.

Steve: Miranda, I know I made it hard for you to trust me...But you made it hard for me to trust you.

Miranda: Me?

Steve: The way you treated me and cut me out of your life like that. I mean, yeah, I broke a vow... but what about the other vows? Like promising to love someone for better or for worst. What about that? How do I know she's not gonna punish me for the rest of my life?

Doctor: You don't. And she doesn't know for sure that you won't have another indiscretion. All you can know is that you wanna move forward... and risk that the love you have for each other won't allow that to happen. And that's what we'll discover here.


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