Haaay... I'm tired. Today is my first time to work on a night shift. Err... rather yesternight. Actually I'm not that sleepy but I wanted to sleep already. I haven't adjusted my sleeping time yet. Hope it wouldn't cause any problem with regard to my health. John's already past asleep at the office, so I'm blogging away my time while waiting for my colleagues from their lunch/midnight break.
After 3/4 weeks of night shift, we're off to Acton, MA. :-(
I'm missing ____ already, but I ain't gonna tell him... :p
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Night Shift
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/28/2008 01:37:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
by Ralph S. Marston, Jr.
In your life
A new day is dawning
Awaken and touch the beauty
Wherever you've come from
Whatever you've been
New possibilities beckon
Right here and now
Awaken and make them real
There was a time when you held in your heart
The most magnificent of dreams
A time when life seemed to carry
Endless promises and possibilities
Those dreams are still with you
Awaken and bring them to life
What you long for
Is longing for you
What you dream of
Is what you are meant to create
The doubts you have exist only in your mind
The anxieties that seem so burdensome are of your own making
Now is the moment to awaken,
and allow those doubts to melt away
Awaken, and dive deeply into the beauty of this moment
Allow your spirit to fully experience the richness of it all
Allow peace to fill you completely
Let it touch your deepest longings
Let it bring those longings to life
Your most treasured possibilities are real,
If you will simply let them live through you
Awaken to this moment, and life begins anew
Reach inside, and allow
your most treasured
dreams to awaken with you
Into a bright and shining new day
Remind yourself again and again
Of how beautiful life can be
Remind yourself again and again
That you can make it so
Step boldly and lovingly forward
Into this day
You've already come
So very far
You're stronger, more experienced
and more determined than ever
To fulfill those longings
That tell you who you are
Now is your moment to create real meaning
Now is your moment to awaken
And to truly and fully live
Labels: spirituality
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/21/2008 10:33:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Reconciliation ???
ayun sunog!
masarap naman
hugas lang ako
magluluto na naman ... yan! medyo marunong na magpabaga .. hehe
night swim
order na lang kami breakfast
sarap slide .. medyo scary lang ...
after magslide ...
Uwi na .. lunch @ Samaral Resto
picture muna while waiting
hmmm .. ano isip baby?
mahangin sa labas ...
pang pa-high blood
baked tahong, chicharon bulaklak, and Samaral Fish
after kumain
... picture ulit muna ...
ebidens! 100kph .. tsk tsk ..
uuwi na ...
So there you go ... out of town with John at Splash Mountain, Laguna ..
pansin ko lang konti pics ko :( ... taba ko kse .. kaya delete .. ehehe..
bati na ba? hmmm .. medyo ... pro okay naman na kami ... ;)
Labels: Love life
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/20/2008 07:44:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
one month
exactly one month, Im off! This time, I think sure na yan ... sad part .. sure na dun nga ako mag bibirthday ... haaaay .... ganun talga ...
Labels: work
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/19/2008 02:53:00 PM 0 comments
Rio Diaz Conjuangco
I was browsing and found this article ... it warms my heart to read testimonies like this. I wonder where could I get the book "Streams in the Desert" ... at this point in my life I really need to go back to God .. start anew ..
Six months ago, my family was preparing for my
funeral, but I stand here before you today by God's
grace because He still has a purpose for my life.
Let me share with you my story..
In April, l99l, I began to host Eat Bulaga!, a
noontime show that brought me fame beyond my wildest
dreams. I earned good money while I made
people laugh. What a blessing!
October of l993, I met Charlie. Single and
good-looking, this guy has a terrific sense of humor,
a man with a big heart. "Kung sa beauty contestant,
beauty and brains." At a certain point in our
relationship, we both knew God brought us to be
together...for life.
In August, l994, we were married. After four wonderful
years of marriage, God blessed us with two children,
Claudia and Jaime. Thirteen years earlier, I was
blessed with a son, Ali, from a previous
May of l998, Charlie became Congressman and I became
Vice Mayor of Pontevedra ( Negros Occidental).
November of the same year, during a routine check-up,
they discovered some abnormalities in my stomach area
which, the doctors said, could be solved by a minor
A few days later, my supposedly one-hour surgery
turned out to be a six-hour-and- a-half surgery. I was
diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer..
No one had cancer in the family. My life flashed
before me. My world suddenly caved in. The doctors
were quite frank. They told us that I had only a
couple of months to live. Stage 4 cancer is like a
death sentence.
As my doctor was speaking, I didn't understand a word
he said because all I could think of was Charlie, my
children, my family, my in-laws, would whisper, Lord,
help me...help them, Lord!
They're all suffering. I don't know how to comfort
them. The day before my first chemotherapy, I said,
Lord, just tell me you're in control. Tell me that no
one made a mistake and I'll be fine no matter what,
Lord. Somebody gave me a devotional book entitled
Streams in the Desert which I read
at 3 o'clock in the morning. It said, this is my
Your weakness needs my strength and your safety lies
in letting me fight for you. You did not come to this
place by accident. You are exactly where I meant you
to be. You were so busy that I could not get your
attention and I wanted to teach you some of my
greatest truths. The pain will leave you as soon as
you learn to see me; in all things. These words became
the pillow on which I rested my weary head.
I surrendered to God all my fears, all my burdens and
my family as I began my journey of trials. I focused
on His promises as Jesus said, Surely I am
with you always.
By God's gracious mercy and beyond all medical
explanation, after six months of chemotherapy went on
remission. Eight months later, the cancer was back.
More surgery, more chemo. And then again, God allowed
healing for me. The best lesson I am learning from
this is how God allows us to enjoy life with His
moment by moment of grace. My third bout with cancer
entailed three different chemotherapies infused at the
same time. The Lord allowed me to learn to NEVER GIVE
Three times, I was at the threshold of death.
Medicines and state-of-the- art treatments were
notworking anymore. Not all the money in the world nor
the best doctors on earth can make us live if God
doesn't want us to. During those times, God comforted
my heart with these verses: Why are you downcast o my
soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in
God for I will yet praise Him my Savior and my Lord.
But let me tell you about my latest brush with death.
After spending Christmas with my family here in Manila
, I left for San Francisco in January of 2003 for my
check-up. I knew there was something terribly wrong
with my body. I had sleepless nights; I was steadily
losing weight; I couldn't eat
By the time I had completed all my tests, I was only
96 pounds. My doctor said, the cancer has spread. You
need to be confined in the hospital. Your food passage
is completely blocked by the cancer. I don't know how
much time you have. Not much. Maybe a month. But I
promise you will not feel the pain.I hugged Dr. Fisher
and thanked him. I told him, don't be sad. I
know God is in full control of my life.
I went home that night to make some arrangements and
my daughter was fast asleep. I knelt down by her
bedside and I cried, Mama loves you so much that it
hurts. Lord, you know how much I love my Ali, my
Claudia and my Jaime. You gave them to Charlie and me
and I thank you. I know in my heart that Charlie will
love them and watch over them. Lord, take care of my
husband because I love him very much. But much more
than this, it comforts me to know that I could never
love them as much as you love them. I thank you,
Father God.
Charlie remained by my bedside day and night,
caressing me, talking to me. It pains me to think how
much our husbands or wives suffer the fear of
losing us.How blessed I am to know how much my family
and friends love me.
The Lord allowed me to experience deep, deep, sleep.
I have never ever felt that kind of peace, peace that
surpasses all understanding. Dr. Fisher explained to
Charlie that my nourishment would come from a bag of
liquid attached to me, which has to be administered
on a daily basis for life. I would never be able to
or drink again.
Surgery was ruled out, so was radiation. As a last
recourse, it was suggested that I do the mildest
chemo but if I so much as cough, he would remove it
and just keep me comfortable. I was in awe when I was
told how many people were praying for me. By God's
sovereign mercy, I never coughed.. One month later, my
cancer level went down by half. I am now only a few
points away from being on remission.
And as if this weren't enough, God's incredible bonus
is that I am back to my full d iet. I can eat and
anything now! Once again, the doctors were amazed.
Yes, isn't our God amazing? God spared my life when
Stanford doctors had given up on me.
In my heart, I knew why. God allowed this miracle in
my life to show us how gracious He is and what a
powerful weapon prayer can be. And that God can
perform miracles in our lives, if you let Him. I will
never fully understand God's ways but I do know that
God has a purpose for each of us. When God calls you
to live for Him, He will invite you to be a part of
something much bigger than yourself, something that
requires the very best of you, something that
may outlive you. When God calls us to a powerful
vision, it may transcend safety and it may transcend
common sense because it is all about Jesus Christ.
Without Jesus, we will not make it!
Do we know, do you know, what God wants you to do
withyour life? If you are uncertain of God's will for
your life, surrender all your plans to Jesus because
God's plans for us are perfect.
The cancer in my body, I did not choose. But in God's
sovereignty, He allowed this affliction in my life.
But I ask you, what is the cancer in your life?
Is it the cancer of unforgiveness, jealousy, lust,
anger or bitterness that you are holding on to?
What are the wrong choices you continue to make
because they give you temporary pleasure but can
permanently destroy you -your husband or your wife or
your children or your circle of influence?
If you are going through a time of terrifying
darkness and despair, or are plagued by doubts that
are slowly eroding your hope that things can get
better, I urge you to surrender it all to God;
give Him full control of your life. It is the only
way to live.
Lord, forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, come into my
heart; be my Lord and my Savior. In Jesus' name, I
pray. Amen.
Labels: spirituality
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/19/2008 01:51:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Syempre kung ako papiliin... gusto ko pink! wahahaha! wats new? :p
He ended up sending the white one instead ... pde na!! Sweet!!!

ayaw ko ng ganito ha ... masyado mahal! hihihi! :p
Labels: Love life
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/08/2008 03:27:00 PM 0 comments
Leave Me Alone
Last Tuesday, feel ko lang isuot ung blouse na yan, with print "Leave me alone" ... then on my way home .. ayun! I saw a girl wearing the exact same shirt .... iba nga lang ang color ... Blue sakin, kanya pink ... prehas kaya kami ng mood? looking for space? wahahahaha! :p
Labels: random ramblings
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/08/2008 02:56:00 PM 0 comments
work na
"For those of you not in Acton, I will meet with you in Manila next week. (I'll be in Manila from May 12-23rd.)"
there u go ... back to work! wahahaha!
Labels: work
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/08/2008 01:02:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Bottom Line
Communication could be a problem today -- no one is really listening to each other.
In Detail
Communication could be a problem today -- the people you'll be dealing with are not patient enough to listen to each other, and conflict could ensue. At the very least, there will be some serious misunderstandings that create delays and confusion. Don't be surprised if people look to you to get everyone back on track and calm again. You're just about the only person who can get everyone's attention for any significant period of time. But you are definitely ready for the job!
The Bottom Line
Charm is bubbling out of you, and some very flighty folks will be attracted to you.
In Detail
Your charm is bubbling out of you like champagne today, and you will be able to attract a lot of diverse people. Unfortunately, in that mix there will inevitably be some very flighty folks -- the kind of people who always talk about getting together but also always back out of your plans at the last minute. Just don't put too much faith in these good time friends, and you won't be disappointed if they let you down. Keep things light and you'll stay bright!
Labels: random ramblings
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/06/2008 01:35:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
ang gulo gulo talaga .. sabi babalik na team 1, tapos hintayin na din daw bumalik ang team 2 ... bago pumunta ang team 3 ... waaaaa... dun nga ako mag bbirthday :(( huhuhu ....
Labels: work
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/05/2008 07:32:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 2, 2008
its coming ...
so little time ...
so many things to do ...
im not yet ready ... huhuhu :'c
Labels: work
Posted by ~ Anne ~ at 5/02/2008 01:50:00 PM 0 comments